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Why is there a woman getting roasted on Social Media after she put up a Go Fund Me page?  Why did she ask people to contribute to a 40 thousand dollar need to help her husband pay his child support debt so he could get a passport and travel to Dubai for work….  Huh For […]


Why did 3 twelve year old girls from… Florida…. Get revenge for a disciplinary action at school. One of the girls had been disciplined for pouring glue in another student’s backpack and that student was suspected of stealing a laptop… the teacher sent the girl to the office…. and the next day the girl and […]

Ingredients: 4 cans Coco JoyCoconut Water 6 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 8 ounces spiced rum Ice Cinnamon Coconut flakes…