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Why did a 68 year old Step Father in …,. Florida get into an argument with his 55 year old step son over a chili dog?  Why did the step father shoot the stepson in the face? For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Step Father Kills Step Son Over […]

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Why is there a video of a Kindergarten teacher at a strip club in an undisclosed location?  The teacher won a twerking contest For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Teen Commits Suicide And Streams To Facebook Live Protesters Climb Crane And Hand Resist Sign Man Shoots Up McDonald’s With […]

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Why did an animal sanctuary give a lion a different gift for his birthay?  Why did they give the lion, Named Mufasa, several cases of beer for his 21 birthday? He also got some raw chicken, a Scooby Doo doll and some pizza boxes For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link […]

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Why did a woman in Venezuela struggle to carry a large pink suitcase away from prison?  Because her boyfriend who was serving a 9 year sentence for robbery was scrunched up inside!  The woman came to visit the man and had a tougher time leaving with the suitcase than when she arrived For more information […]

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Why did a teacher in Kentucky use sick leave in October to go on a cruise?  She told her principal that she was sick and kept her doctors appointments.  But the principal confronted her with her Facebook account showing her on the cruise ship For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link […]

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Why did Apollo from the Real Housewives give his fiancee an engagement ring?  Why was the ring made from a prison paper towel?  It showed up in an Instragram post a few days after he filed for divorce from Phaedra Parks For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Apollo Nida […]

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Why did a a Mall Santa in … Florida…. tell a 10 year old girl that only one person was on his naughty list? He said Hillary Clinton then he started laughing.  The girls mother posted it and complained to mall management.  The Santa was removed and placed into HR counseling.  We don’t know if […]

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Why have we all known for years how good those Krispy Kreme donuts are?  Why did Shaquille O’Neal just say…. Funk Dat   and bought the Krispy Kreme Store on Ponce de Leon For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Drunk Driver Hits Chopper And Fire Truck Car Hits Semi And […]

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Why has a man been bitten on his man-part by a spider for the second time this year?  A builder in Australia has been bitten on his part by a poisonous redback spider while he was sitting in a porta potty on a worksite. He said he felt the sting that he felt the first […]

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Why did a man in Nashville gt caught in bed with a stolen lingerie mannequin?  An employee of a store argued with the man who tossed the mannequin in his truck.  Her arm blew off but the suspect didn’t retrieve it.  The mannequin was said to be worth $5000 and the man was charged with […]

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Why did a preacher in South Africa been called out for telling his followers that he went to heaven during an Easter service he claims that he took pictures with his phone… and they can see the pictures for a donation of about 340 dollars For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]


Why was a motorist in China caught on video by another driver… driving nearly 40 miles per hour and passing another car…. all while driving in reverse…..     the backward driver got a fine from police For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Really Good At Making Really Bad Decisions Man […]