Yesterday, about 50% of registered voters made their voices heard for the fifth time in 18 months. And now, those same voters will have to head back to the polls due to no single candidate reaching the 50% plus one vote threshold on November 30th. Today, one of the candidates that qualified for the runoff […]

In 2020, Ice Cube made several headlines as he demanded that the Contract With Black America be honored and recognized by both political parties. After the Trump campaign tweeted out that they had been in conversations with Ice Cube, many people had varying opinions. Here in Georgia, we had the general election in November and […]


What’s happening in state capitols, city halls, and school boards have more of a direct effect on our daily lives than Washington politics.


He says Rep. Lewis should “spend more time on fixing and helping his district.”


According to police officials, there were 27 shootings that left 12 individuals dead and 48 others wounded.


Many are apprehensive of the future amid rising hate crimes reported since early November.


President-elect Donald Trump received minimal support from minority voters, according to a new study conducted by Reuters.

Entertainment News

Understandably many Americans are still highly emotional over the presidential election of Donald Trump and that means that statements from public figures regarding the election are even more highly scrutinized than usual. Oprah Winfrey found this out the hard way when she recently gave her thoughts on President Obama and Trump sitting down together for […]

News & Gossip

Honestly, at this point all we can do is laugh to stop from crying.


Since the shocking win over Hillary Clinton on November 8th, many question what will happen now that Donald Trump will be our President? Sign Up For Our Newsletter! With the talks of this “big beautiful wall” he has mentioned, will he begin mass deportations of immigrants and repeal Obamacare? We revisited Donald Trump’s 100 day action […]

Election 2016

He invited President-elect Donald Trump to the White House on Thursday to talk about a “smooth transition of power."