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Why did polling expert Dr. Sam Wang (wong) make a bet on the presidential election? He said on CNN if Trump got more than 240 electoral votes he would eat a bug For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Vet Gets Free Meal Taken Away At Chili’s Muslim Teacher Left […]

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Why did a Weather Channel personality say that Haiti’s deforestation is partially due to children eating the trees For information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below 7 Year Old Tells School I Couldn’t Wake (Dead) Adults 3 Year Old Dies In Mother’s Patrol Car Satanic Group Wants After School Program In Cobb […]

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Why is there a clip on youtube of a woman hooking up her husband’s lunch?  Hubby forget to take his lunch with him.  So, he drove back home.  Wifey didn’t want to go down several flights of stairs so she tossed his sandwich from the window and it landed through the sunroof of the car […]


Why was a mother and her 4 year old daughter in England at a McRestaurant… when the little girl found herself to be the butt of somebody’s prank…. the child was glued to the toilet seat For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below 4 Year Old Girl Glued To Seat […]


Why is there a new line of handbags that will help conceal the odor of your weed….  The company is called Annabis…. and they’re probably gonna fly off the shelves in D.C. For more information on the Funk Dats, click each link below Trump Supporter Suggests Burning A Black Lives Matter Protester New Purse Conceals […]


Why did a woman in … Florida… try to get a delivery…. she called saying that she wasn’t able to drive… she would laugh and cry hysterically while she asked for chicken wings and cigarettes…. Oh the number she called for the delivery…. was 911 For more on the Funk Dats, click each link below […]


"I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what we did," said Jess Gregory, one of the woman who was turned away.


  For more information on the Funk Dats, click the links below   Sex Offender Leaves Phone at Starbucks Employee Suspended for Sounding Like Robot Tables Turned On Package Thief Bees Cover Deputy’s Car Dark Skinned Girl and Overweight Girl Turned Away Man Robs Bank Posts Pics of Cash On Facebook Bag full of Vomit […]


At only ten-years-old, Esther Okade has begun taking college courses to her Open University undergraduate Math degree. She was accepted as a student after acing an exam and winning…

Entertainment News

Alicia Keys and Jay-Z teamed up to perform at the 2010 BRIT Awards. Check out the photos, plus sightings from Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke!