Maria More

From building more muscle to having more energy, there are a number of benefits to exercising in the evening. Read more HERE.

Maria More

Trying to determine if you are putting forth enough effort in the gym? Here are 3 ways to tell if you’re working out hard enough Talk test. If you struggle to get through a complete sentence, then the workout is probably causing you to breath heavy, which is often a result of aggressive exercise. Be […]

Maria More

Just when you thought you ran out of home exercise ideas, here’s a few more you may not have thought of yet. Check out these fun ways to stay fit during quarantine: Try a new virtual fitness class: From yoga to kickboxing, cycle to step aerobics, there are so many free resources on YouTube and […]

Maria More

If you were a gym rat BEFORE the quarantine and struggling to stay motivated to do home workouts, here are 3 tips to reignite your fire: Create a workout schedule and STICK to it. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can just “freestyle” your way through home fitness. Instead, create a schedule that includes specific […]

Maria More

As the temperatures rise, it becomes even more important that you practice the proper precautions to avoid any heat related illnesses while you exercise. Here are a few things to consider when training in the Summer heat: 1) Hydration: Exercising in higher temperatures will cause you to sweat more than you normally would. Be sure to […]

Maria More

Want to lose weight but dread exercising? There’s hope! Check out THIS LIST of creative ways to lose weight without exercise.

Maria More

From drinking more water to adding fat burning foods to your diet, there are a number of ways to lose weight without having to step foot in a gym! Read more HERE.

Maria More

If you find yourself choosing between preserving your hairstyle and working out, you’re not the only one. However with the RIGHT hairstyle, you don’t have to choose. Check out THESE “gym-proof” styles that can help your stay fly and fit!

Maria More

If you’re new to exercise or had a more aggressive workout that you normally would, you probably have experienced “DOMS” (delayed onset muscle soreness). While many people opt to avoid exercise while sore, there IS a “work around” to keep you active without putting additional pressure on your sore muscles. Click HERE to read more.

Maria More

Losing weight and sustaining your progress not only requires proper nutrition and exercise but also behavioral change. From becoming an intuitive eater to maintaining a positive body image, check out THESE helpful tips to embrace a mindset for an overall healthy lifestyle.

Maria More

Not only does exercise help you look good, it also makes you FEEL good. Being physically active helps boost hormones that promote feelings of happiness. Exercise also helps keep you develop a positive attitude and more optimistic outlook on life overall. Here are 3 additional ways exercise can improve your self-esteem: Exercise makes you stronger. […]

Maria More

Exercise is one of the most effective tools for weight loss AND weight maintenance, but are you getting enough. CLICK HERE to find out!