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Why did a 68 year old Step Father in …,. Florida get into an argument with his 55 year old step son over a chili dog?  Why did the step father shoot the stepson in the face? For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Step Father Kills Step Son Over […]

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Why is so-called Conservative Laura Ingraham asking President Obama in a tweet to denounce a group of black youth who beat a white disabled man while screaming F-Trump and F White people? and Twiter followers are buying in For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below People On Twitter Want Obama […]

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Why is Neiman Marcus selling Collard Greens?  I heard a comedian call the store needless markups, now I know why.  You can order enough collards with bacon bits to feed 10 people for only $66 plus 15 for shipping and you can compliment your meal with a designer baked bean medley for $80 For more […]

Entertainment News

Brown, who was put up for adoption after he was born in 1994, says he's convinced Strahan is his father, as they both play football, look similar, and have a gap in their teeth.

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Why was a 19 year old woman in .. Florida… arrested when a security camera caught her setting a car on fire?  She burned the Honda Accord from the trunk and can be seen fanning the flames.  She thought it belonged to her Ex-Boyfriend….  But she had the wrong car. For more information on the […]

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Why did a British woman make a bra and dress from pubic hair?  Twitter followers donated their hair to the woman for her project…. most of them men… She ended up gluing the hair to form the dress which is mostly brunett, and red with a touch of gray. For more information on the Funk […]

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We all know that Twinkies have preservatives but Why did a Science in Maine teacher take a Twinkie out of the wrapper in class in 1976 to see how long before it rots?  The teacher retired in 2004.  40 years later the Twinkie is still in tact. For more information on the Funk Dats, click […]

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Why did a rattlesnake bite a groom in Colorado as he posed for a wedding picture? The couple was trying to flag down a park ranger who thought they were happy… they yelled for help and he yelled Congratulations!!! For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Baby Left In Car […]

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Why did a 66 year old woman in Memphis argue with a person at the Social Security Administration office saying she didn’t get her check because she was dead?  The lady from the office said “Ma’am you’re dead! ”  The Memphis woman replied “The Hell I Am, I’m alive!!!” For more information on the Funk […]


Why did a Pennsylvania woman get arrested for DUI crashes twice in the same day…. in the same car…..  the second wreck destroyed a shed and a pickup truck     For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below   Shots Fired Outside Funeral Of Gun Violence Victim Man Requests 6 […]


There are a lot of dads who don’t like their daughter’s boyfriend’….  but why did a 5th grade teacher in Alabama shoot an 18 year old in the chest for dating his daughter… the daughter’s age was not released…  the victim turned 18 on the day of his shooting       For more information […]