Maria More

Faith conquers fear. – Anon Feelings of nervousness and fear are natural, especially when you are experiencing something different. However, you should never let you fear decide your fate. Instead of dwelling on the bad things that can happen, give your full attention to the outcome you want to attract. Remember, FAITH conquers fear. Always […]

Maria More

“The fears we don’t face become our limits.” – Anon Remember, regret feels worse than failure and you’ll never know how far you can go unless you have the courage to do the things that may intimidate you. Don’t let fear block you from being your best, instead, be bold and pursue your dreams with […]

Maria More

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Author Unknown The only thing standing between you and your goal is doubt. Don’t second guess your ability to succeed. The first step to accomplishing anything in life is believing that you CAN.

Maria More

“What worries you, masters you.” – Author Unknown Remember, what you focus on, GROWS. This is why it is so important to feed your faith and starve your fears. Worrying about something won’t change the outcome. Instead of stressing over a situation, expect a positive a outcome!

Maria More

“Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.” – Author Unknown Remember, regret is worse than failure. Don’t be afraid to go after your dream!

Midday Motivation

“Worrying gives power to the things you fear.” – M.T.Collins Remember, what you focus on, grows and if you are constantly dwelling on the negative, you’ll eventually attract it into your life. Don’t waste energy worrying about things that haven’t happened. Instead, give your attention to a positive outcome.

Maria More

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Anon Don’t let doubt block you from your dream. Instead, pursue your goals with confidence!

Midday Motivation

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Anon Doubt will delay your dream. Don’t let fear stand between you and the life you want. Instead, focus on a positive outcome and pursue it with confidence!

Maria More

“Fear is the enemy of success.”  – Author Unknown In order to accomplish any goal, you must start with the belief that you CAN. Remember, winning requires confidence. Do your best to continually remind yourself of how GREAT you are.

Maria More

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Anon Progress requires confidence and to achieve anything in life, you must start by believing you can. Don’t let new challenges intimidate you. Instead, be bold and pursue your goal with confidence!  

Maria More

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Author Unknown Progress requires hard work but it also requires optimism. When you doubt yourself you block your dream. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, give your attention to a positive outcome!


Why did a 77 year old grandmother in Tacoma Washington wake up to  three burglars in her house…  and it was caught on camera…. One of the men had a crowbar…   and when she woke up, walked out and hollered… “get the hell outta here”….  the men broke and ran… only getting away with […]