
Felicia Hambrick wasn't going to let a pit bull maul her girl's infant. Thankfully, everyone is OK.

News & Gossip

Three D.C. area besties, Ruth Chatman Hammett, Gladys Ware Butlerand, Bernice Grimes Underwood, celebrated their 100th year of life over the weekend at a ceremony at Zion Baptist Church, The Washington Post reports. All three were born in June or July of 1916.


True friends tell you the truth about yourself, whether you want to hear it or not.

Entertainment News

The Wonkblog over at the Washington Post has a pretty interesting write-up of new research from the Public Religion Research Institute. In a study of race and friendship, PRRI found that…

Body & Soul

Have you found yourself spending more lone time lately? If so, you may want to invite a friend out to coffee or a movie or…


  What attributes or things constitute friends?  How many do you have?  Please post your comments below!

Entertainment News

The comeback of hit 90s R&B girl group SWV is real, but the drama behind the scenes is a bit too real. In their upcoming…

A few months ago, while on the coattails of summer’s craziness, I lived through a strange experience of friendship that left me to the tendency…

Entertainment News

When it comes to sisterhood, it’s safe to say the loyalty factor plays a bit more of a bigger role in our bond. There are…

Elev8 Health

When you notice that a friend suddenly won’t answer your text messages, tweets, texts or emails, this can be an unnerving and disturbing situation. According to, the first sign that something could be ‘wrong’ with a friendship is often when you just don’t hear from your friend. Some people are not good at initiating […]

Elev8 Health

Last night, on a whim, a friend I hadn’t seen in years joined me and a gathering of mutual friends in one of our living rooms. I hadn’t expected this reunion to occur, but it was interesting to talk to her and learn about her life again, especially since things have changed so much since […]

Elev8 Health

Yesterday, as I was walking back from the train station after a long day at work, I ran into someone I knew on the way home. After we exchanged greetings and we proceeded to chat, it quickly became hard to hold a conversation as we both seemed lost in our own worlds. We had both […]