Radio One Exclusives

Harriet Tubman has been considered to be on US currency so she is arguably the most important figure from her time period. Shocking to believe that there has never been a movie about her in the past, considering all of the slave narrative movies that already exist, which in my opinion, is the main importance […]


With photos of Harriet Tubman being few and far between, when a rare new photo of her surfaced it was a huge deal. While most photos depict Tubman as an elderly woman, a newly unearthed picture shows a much younger Tubman and was quickly acquired by the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History […]


A rare photo of Underground Railroad hero and 19th century abolitionist Harriet Tubman sold at a New York City auction for $162,500 Thursday.

We will finally see Cynthia Erivo on the big screen, as the British talent will play Harriet Tubman in a new biopic.


A rare photo of Harriet Tubman, one of America's most revered freedom fighters, has just surfaced in Auburn, N.Y., where she made her home after the Civil War.


The letter reflected on how President Obama’s daughters have gracefully come into their own over the past eight years and it provided advice on how to adjust to life after living in the White House.


Federal parks officials held a signing ceremony and formally established the new Harriet Tubman National Historical Park in upstate New York, honoring the courageous abolitionist on Tuesday.

News One Exclusives

The opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington is just days away and it still needs your help.


The ask for a Harriet Tubman statue has been brought forth before but failed in 2012 and 2013.

Harriet Tubman has been very busy over the last couple of weeks.


Now that legendary singer Prince has passed on, many people are wondering who will inherit his fortune. Although the artist was very proactive about handling legal matters surrounding the rights to his music, there’s no word on whether he had a will. Prince never conceived any children, both of his parents have passed away, and he […]


Donald Trump rejects the decision to place Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. He blames political correctness for the decision.