
Rose believes that the rape accusations caused indelible harm to his image.

President Barack Obama is said to be considering nominating Republican Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, a centrist former federal judge, to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, reports the Washington Post, which cites sources.

During a joint White House press conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Friday, President Obama addressed the stalled confirmation of U.S. attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch, calling…

Entertainment News

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will not seek re-election next year, the New York Times reports. Reid, the 75-year-old who has led Senate Democrats since 2005,…

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Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, 67, sparked a firestorm of criticism after suggesting that Black Americans were “better off as slaves” rather than being free and…

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It’s been quite the year in politics with some advances for certain causes and a litany of failures in the other. Boo hiss to the…

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If I had to describe what 2013 was like for Republicans in a soundbite, I’d quote D’Angelo and use “s**t, damn, motherf**ker.”  That would be…

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  The government shutdown is finally coming to an end. Senate leaders on Wednesday finally hammered out a deal to reopen the government and avoid a potential U.S. default, which could have happened as soon as midnight tonight. According to CNN, the Senate deal would reopen the government, funding it until January 15. It would […]

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UPDATE — 10:31 PM ET, 10/02/13: From the Wall Street Journal: About 200 patients each week with rare or especially severe diseases seek treatment at…

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Earlier this morning, the usually well meaning Chris Matthews made an interesting observation about Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), one of the key players in the…

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In a move that surprised no one, House Republicans voted early Sunday morning to delay Obamacare for one year and repeal its tax on medical devices,…

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Later this afternoon, President Barack Obama will meet with Democratic congressional leaders Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) along with their Republican…