Black History Month

  On this day February 5th 1990 Barack Obama becomes the President Of The Harvard Law Review, making him the first African American to hold the position. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FACTS > Black Facts


Plus, student becomes first black woman elected to be President of the Harvard Law Review and white suspect in Quebec Mosque attack charged with six counts of first-degree murder.


However, the 17-year-old is taking a year off before she attends the Ivy League university.


Yale University said it would continue to name a residential college after John C. Calhoun, a 19th century slavery defender. University officials decided, however, to stop addressing residential faculty as masters.


Harvard University's president acknowledges the school's complicity in slavery. She will unveil a plaque honoring four slaves who lived and worked on the campus.


A committee at Harvard recommended removing the law school's official shield over its link to slavery. This comes amid protests and heightened racial tension at Harvard and other universities regarding historic symbols of racism.

Students from Harvard University are shedding light on how most people of color feel on predominately white campuses in a new photo campaign, tiled “I,…

Entertainment News

How does one rise to the top at Harvard? This is a university where the best and the brightest from around the world gather to…

Entertainment News

NEW YORK– Donald Trump is making claims that President Obama was a”terrible student” and was not qualified to get in to the Ivy League universities he attended. Although Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, Trump claims he heard that the President was a poor student. “I heard he was a terrible student. […]