
As President Barack Obama prepares to leave office, NewsOne takes a look at some of his most impressive wins.

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Now that President Obama has been able to beat back the GOP’s attempt to derail the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), he’s tackling the elephant…

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White House senior adviser David Axelrod was adamant on Wednesday night that the president will go to the mat in defense of his cherished health care reform law, even as Republicans threaten to repeal it or strip it of funding. Obama, he told the Huffington Post, would veto any legislative effort to overturn the measure. […]

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Rush Limbaugh is never one to bite his tongue, especially when it comes to anything and everything related to President Obama and his health care reform bill. In the conservative shock jock’s latest controversial statement he blames President Obama and the Democrats’ passing of health care reform for the eruption of the volcano in Iceland.

Atlanta, Photos

VIA: Attorney General Thurbert Baker told Gov. Sonny Perdue on Wednesday he will not file a federal lawsuit to block federal health care reform legislation signed into law this week. Baker, a Democrat seeking his party’s nomination for governor, told the Republican Perdue that he was “unaware of any constitutional infirmities and do not […]

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From New York Times WASHINGTON — With the stroke of President Obama’s pen, his health care overhaul — the most sweeping social legislation enacted in decades — became law on Tuesday. Mr. Obama affixed his curlicue signature, almost letter by letter, to the measure, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, during a ceremony in […]

VIA: As the U.S. House approved a sweeping health care overhaul Sunday, Georgians alternately were celebrating and bemoaning the changes. Some, too, were wishing the long-labored legislation did even more. “There’s going to be a lot of good, not only for Georgia, but all Americans,” said Lee Goodall, state director of Organizing for America, […]

From New York Times: Congress gave final approval on Sunday to legislation that would provide medical coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans and remake the nation’s health care system along the lines proposed by President Obama. By a vote of 219 to 212, the House passed the bill after a day of tumultuous […]

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The Senate passed a $871 billion health care reform bill Thursday morning, handing President Obama a Christmas Eve victory on his top domestic priority. The bill passed in a 60-39 party line vote after months of heated partisan debate. Every member of the Democratic caucus backed the measure; every Republican opposed it.

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Watch this <strong>video clip</strong> from <strong>MSNBC's "Dr. Nancy" show</strong> to see how <strong>abortion</strong> is figuring into the <strong>health care reform</strong> debate.<!--more-->