Hey Ladies, Check out today’s Sunday Crush Groove Rashad Jackson! He is a Kappa Nupe! Rashad says he is a “chill dude, laid back, likes to go out every now and then, and likes taking road trips”! Sounds like my kind of guy! Check out more photo’s of Dee Dee Parker’s Sunday Crush Groove: https://www.instagram.com/p/BC3iJD5SsPp/?taken-by=rashad_omar https://www.instagram.com/p/BBjccXQSsFq/?taken-by=rashad_omar https://www.instagram.com/p/_cf4s1ysPO/?taken-by=rashad_omar https://www.instagram.com/p/zqEJLTysIq/?taken-by=rashad_omar […]


Hey Ladies, Check out today’s Sunday Crush Groove Jacob Sumana! He is 25, 6’2, a fitness model, and FINE! Check out more photo’s and video of Dee Dee Parker’s Sunday Crush Groove: https://www.instagram.com/p/BC8LMy3zYV7/?taken-by=jacobsumana https://www.instagram.com/p/BCyAc4HzYYk/?taken-by=jacobsumana Follow me on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER If You Know Someone Who Should Be Ms.Dee Dee Parker’s Sunday Crush Groove Send a Picture and […]


Hey Ladies, Check out today’s Sunday Crush Groove Steven Beck! Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Steven is a fitness trainer, model, actor and singer. You can find Steven guest starring on the Oddly Oden web series on YouTube! Check out more photos of Sunday’s Crush Groove: https://www.instagram.com/p/BDD3yNDqEIw/?taken-by=thestevenbeck&hl=en Follow me on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER If You Know Someone Who […]


Hey Ladies, Check out today’s Sunday Crush Groove Lamar! This grey-eyed cutie is a model, entrepreneur, and the owner of Superduperfresh clothing! Check Out More Photos of Sunday’s Crush Groove: https://www.instagram.com/p/BByBJYxFewY/?taken-by=lamardontmodel Follow me on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER If You Know Someone Who Should Be Ms.Dee Dee Parker’s Sunday Crush Groove Send a Picture and a Small […]


Hey Ladies, Check out today’s Sunday Crush Groove Chuck Hines! Chuck is 5’11”, a model and an actor who is based out of New York. Check out More Photos of Sunday’s Crush Groove: https://www.instagram.com/p/99iFRxotv0/?taken-by=iamchuckchilllout https://www.instagram.com/p/99iFRxotv0/?taken-by=iamchuckchilllout https://www.instagram.com/p/4hm47Ootjl/?taken-by=iamchuckchilllout https://www.instagram.com/p/3HYqGNItmX/?taken-by=iamchuckchilllout Follow me on IG @MsDeeDeeParker If You Know Someone Who Should Be Ms.Dee Dee Parker’s Sunday Crush Groove […]