Maria's Fit Tip

Do you want to lose weight but feel like you’re just ADDICTED to junk food? You’re not the only one. In fact, unhealthy eating is one of the biggest road blocks for people trying to lose weight. Click HERE to read 11 ways to stop cravings for unhealthy foods so that you can get on […]

Maria More

From switching healthy foods to your “treat” to grossing yourself out, there are many creative ways to “train your brain” to hate junk food. Click HERE to learn more!

Maria More

Sometimes losing weight isn’t as easy as following a meal plan and going to the gym. If you’ve been struggling to overcome food addiction, check out some helpful tips HERE.

Maria More

If you feel like that candy bar in the vending machine is constantly “calling your name,” then you know firsthand how tempting unhealthy food can be. While sugary, fat-filled treats taste delicious, the detrimental effects they have on your diet just aren’t worth it. Now, I’m not saying don’t enjoy a treat every now and […]

Maria More

From switching healthy foods to your “treat” to grossing yourself out, there are many creative ways to “train your brain” to hate junk food. Click HERE to learn more!


If junk food is your jump off, but you’re trying to stay lean and clean, then you are going to love this beauties. Even if…

Body & Soul

There is absolutely no way around this – losing weight is hard work. Impossible, no. Hard. Yes. Thankfully, there are a number of things you…

Michelle Obama on Tuesday called on corporate food giants such as Coca-Cola, General Mills and Kraft Foods to step up efforts to produce more healthful food and then market that, rather than junk food, to children.