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Why did a woman who works for a mortgage company decide to post to Twitter: FLOTUS beautiful? Seriously she is an ugly black b-word For more information on the Funk Dats, click on the link below Choked In Jail Discipline Gone Too Far Disrespecting The First Lady Fake Kidnapping For Mother’s Money Black Lives Matter Gets […]


Why was a mother and her 4 year old daughter in England at a McRestaurant… when the little girl found herself to be the butt of somebody’s prank…. the child was glued to the toilet seat For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below 4 Year Old Girl Glued To Seat […]


Why did a Singapore Airlines 747 headed for Kuala Lumpur have 2000 goats on board…. why did the fire alarm system go off…..  and cause the jet to make an emergency landing… No fire or smoke was found…  but there was a whole lotta methane gas…  passed from those goats For more information on the […]

Entertainment News

The uncle of a 13-year-old Brooklyn girl saved the teenager and her friend from prostitution by posing as a customer after the two were convinced…

Boko Haram is still terrorizing Nigeria and all we can say is #BringBackOurGirls. It’s been 10 months since they kidnapped the Chibok tribe schoolgirls and…

Entertainment News

Delvin Barnes (pictured right), the 37-year-old man accused of the brazen kidnapping of nurse’s aide Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, 22, (pictured) from a street in Philadelphia and wrestling…

Mothers have thrown themselves on the ground in protest because over two weeks ago, their daughters were abducted by Boko Haram (an Islamic insurgent terrorist…

Entertainment News

Kidnapped Boy Sings Gospel Song To Save His Life A young boy’s love of gospel music may have saved his life. Earlier this month, police…


Ayvani Hope Perez is 4ft 9in. tall, weighs 93 lbs and has brown eyes and black hair.  The 14 year old was last seen wearing Star Wars Pajamas bottoms and a blue and grey shirt.  She was abducted fro her home at 3894 Brookgate Drive in Ellenwood Tuesday morning when  two men broke into her […]


Three Ohio women who went missing approximately one decade ago were found safely on Monday mere blocks from their homes and a 52-year-old Hispanic man has been arrested in connection with their disappearance, reports Amanda Berry disappeared at the age of 16 on April, 21, 2003; Gina DeJesus disappeared almost a one year later […]

Entertainment News

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A New York City man Rahman Pettway didn’t want to find out the severity of his girlfriend’s…