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Why did a 68 year old Step Father in …,. Florida get into an argument with his 55 year old step son over a chili dog?  Why did the step father shoot the stepson in the face? For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Step Father Kills Step Son Over […]

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Why did a pair of Chinese tourist go to a Japanese hotel and steal a toilet seat?  A travel agency contacted the Chinese tourists after their stay and asked about the missing seat. They sent the seat back with and apology and and explanation that they didn’t realize the toilet seat belonged to the hotel […]

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Why is there a man who filled a bathtub with 1250 bottles of hot sauce and chili peppers?  Then he got in… For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Former Deputy Gets One Year For Beating Girlfriend And Burning Her Hair Man Acts Like Gorilla Touches Himself While Intoxicated Man […]

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Why did a man in Nashville gt caught in bed with a stolen lingerie mannequin?  An employee of a store argued with the man who tossed the mannequin in his truck.  Her arm blew off but the suspect didn’t retrieve it.  The mannequin was said to be worth $5000 and the man was charged with […]


Why did a couple in Connecticut get arrested at a buffet after a dispute over crab legs… a 45 year old man and his wife… got into a scuffle with a 21 year old man…. punched the 21 year old in the face and knocked out a tooth…. the 21 year old’s mother pepper sprayed the […]


Why did a bicyclist in… Florida… who was making a delivery for Jimmy Johns… when he put his bike on his shoulder and jumped a moving train to get to the other side to complete his delivery For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below First Graders Plot To Kill Classmate […]


Why is a man in Texas being charged with aggravated assault for hitting his girlfriend…  He old her to smell his armpit… she refused… so he punched her in the back of the head and tried to stab her with a knife   For more information on each Funk Dat, click the links below Middle […]


Why is a man from the UK…  named Pricasso…  he paints with his man part….  he paint’s portraits and more…. and he ‘s pretty good.  He really has some outstanding talent…. Funk Dat   Better not dip that brush in paint thinner….. Listen To Funk Dat:     For Details On Today’s Funk Dat Stories […]


Why did a couple in… Florida….  have a lovely evening… the man was being arrested for an outstanding warrant… they refused to come out of the mobile home…. and prevented two other women from leaving… S.W.A.T. waited for 6 and a half hours…    they  said they wouldn’t come out of the trailer until they had relations […]

Entertainment News

A recent study found that police officers across Los Angeles have averaged about one kill per week for the past 14 years. Most killed are…

A search is on for the man who allegedly stabbed 6-year-old boy Prince Joshua Avitto in the elevator and 7-year-old girl Mikayla Capers. Avitto’s wounds…