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Why did a a Mall Santa in … Florida…. tell a 10 year old girl that only one person was on his naughty list? He said Hillary Clinton then he started laughing.  The girls mother posted it and complained to mall management.  The Santa was removed and placed into HR counseling.  We don’t know if […]

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Why is there a man in … Florida… who has half a head and the nickname Halfy?  His head was affected when he had an accident while on drugs.  Why was he arrested for setting his own bed on fire For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Kills 8 […]

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Why was a man in Norway just trying to help a friend when he got punished for his good deed?  Why did the friend’s cell phone get dropped in a portable toilet and the man leaped inside to retrieve it.  He was slim enough to go in but not slim enough to come out.  He […]

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Why did a 30 year old man from … Florida.. break into a school and steal an employee’s car?  Then during his bond hearing he decided to twerk in court! For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Kills Children Hides Them Under Neighbor’s House Good Samaritan Has To Pay […]


Why is there a Vietnamese – Austrailian Man who had his Facebook account shut down several times because people thought he was using a fake and offensive name…  So he posted an image of his passport online…. His name is Fook da Bick…  but it is spelled… P-h-u-c   D-a-t   B-i-c-h GUN TV Will […]


Why did a Singapore Airlines 747 headed for Kuala Lumpur have 2000 goats on board…. why did the fire alarm system go off…..  and cause the jet to make an emergency landing… No fire or smoke was found…  but there was a whole lotta methane gas…  passed from those goats For more information on the […]


Why did a man in Texas stab his roommate because of a fight over the last chicken drumstick….   and the roommate died For more information on the Funk Dats, click each link below Fight Over Chicken Turns Deadly Tattooed Black Man Charged In Black Church Fires Oklahoma Mayor’s Husband KKK Prank? Needles In Twix […]