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Why did a woman in Venezuela struggle to carry a large pink suitcase away from prison?  Because her boyfriend who was serving a 9 year sentence for robbery was scrunched up inside!  The woman came to visit the man and had a tougher time leaving with the suitcase than when she arrived For more information […]


President Obama will give his final speech on January 10 at McCormick Place, the same place he celebrated his 2012 presidential win.

A&E says that “nominal” cash payments were given by third-party producers to members of the hate group, which goes against their policy.


KKK leader William Hagen stabbed Richard Dillon during a “National Klonvocation” event in North Carolina on December 2.

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Why did an employee at a Wal-Mart take her own Christmas Bonus?  Why did the 22 year old in Augusta GA get arrested for stealing $2220 from the cash register For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Fake News Story Causes Man To Fire Assault Rifle Fake UPS Delivery Ends […]

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Why have some Oregon residents filed a petition to secede from the union?They want to form a new country and they have invited Washington State to join them For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Oregon Residents Want To Form A New Country Doctor Gets Sued For Drinking Before Delivering […]

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Why is a teacher in Oregon under fire for sending home a survey?  Why did the teacher, who is white, want to start a discussion with the homework assignment called “White Privilege Survey”…. Why is at least one parent upset saying he would like to see his son learning actual education and not be a […]

News One Exclusives

"Diamond and Silk," who "Stump for Trump," appeared on Thursday's edition of NewsOne Now to share why they have decided to support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

News One Exclusives

"Diamond and Silk," who "Stump for Trump," appeared on Thursday's edition of NewsOne Now to share why they have decided to support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Election 2016

In conversation that spilled into CNN's Wednesday morning broadcast, contributor Van Jones, a former Obama staffer, and Jeffrey Lord, an ardent Donald Trump supporter, engaged in a fiery debate on Super Tuesday about race, the Democratic Party and the Ku Klux Klan.

Election 2016

Declaring his love for voters who swept him to victory Tuesday in the Nevada presidential caucuses, Donald Trump claimed his third straight victory in an early voting state.