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Why did a woman in Venezuela struggle to carry a large pink suitcase away from prison?  Because her boyfriend who was serving a 9 year sentence for robbery was scrunched up inside!  The woman came to visit the man and had a tougher time leaving with the suitcase than when she arrived For more information […]


Why were students at the Citadel in South Carolina, supposedly singing Christmas Carols dressed as the Ghosts of Christmas past… as part of a skit….  but the outfits were white pants, white t-shirts and whits pillowcases with eye holes looking  more like the Klan of Christmas past For more information on the Funk Dats, click […]


Why is a man in Texas being charged with aggravated assault for hitting his girlfriend…  He old her to smell his armpit… she refused… so he punched her in the back of the head and tried to stab her with a knife   For more information on each Funk Dat, click the links below Middle […]


Why did a man in Pittsburgh get arrested for shooting and killing the mother of his child… The woman had 8 children…  The man reportedly asked her to reimburse him for diapers and baby wipes because that money was for weed…. FUNK DAT!!!! Listen:   For Information On Today’s Funk Dat Stories: Wrestling Coach Fakes […]