Homepage Lead, National

Police are currently investigating whether or not Shivonie Deokaran scammed hundreds of people into donating thousands towards her medical bills for her alleged terminal illness.


Why did a man in Pittsburgh get arrested for shooting and killing the mother of his child… The woman had 8 children…  The man reportedly asked her to reimburse him for diapers and baby wipes because that money was for weed…. FUNK DAT!!!! Listen:   For Information On Today’s Funk Dat Stories: Wrestling Coach Fakes […]

Miles Scott melted the hearts of people around the world today! Thanks to the Make-a-Wish Foundation and hundreds of volunteers, the 5-year-old’s dream of being…

Entertainment News

<strong>Kareem Abdul-Jabbar</strong>, one of the greatest college and professional basketball players of all time, says he has been diagnosed with a form of <strong>blood cancer</strong>.<!--more-->