
Mary Norwood wants a hand recount in the Atlanta mayor’s election Mary Norwood is not just asking for a recount she wants a hand recount, which could slow down the process.  Political expert Andra Gillespie says a machine recount could be done and finished by Friday but a hand count could take us into next […]


Official Atlanta Mayoral Certification happens today The official certification in the Atlanta mayoral race happens today and after that officials expect Mary Norwood to call for a recount.  Mayor-elect Keisha Lance Bottoms does not expect any changes and plans to get to work quickly. “We’ve had close elections in Atlanta before, and at the end […]


Atlanta prepares for inclement weather conditions (Dec.7,2017) Preparations are underway for some snow this weekend.  G-DOT will salt the roadways tonight, they will use a salt-water brine mixture to pre-treat the roads.  The good news is the weather model shows that this will be a very light event and if any accumulations it will be […]


2 pedestrians killed on I-20 after being hit by cars More deadly pedestrian accidents in the news, last night around 6:30 p.m. a man died trying to cross I-20 west and hours later around midnight another man was hit and killed on I-20 at Joseph E. Lowery Blvd.  It’s been less than a week and […]


The Atlanta mayoral race continues In the race to be Atlanta’s next mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is expected to gain the endorsement of former mayoral candidate Kwanza Hall.  Keisha Lance Bottoms and Kwanza Hall will hold a press conference this morning at the John Wesley Dobbs Plaza for an announcement. ” Atlanta needs a mayor […]


Atlanta’s mayor race heads to runoff election The big election headline this morning, the race for Atlanta’s mayor is going to a run-off election.  Keisha Lance Bottoms came in first last night but she did not get the 50% +1 to avoid the run-off with  Mary Norwood and that run-off election will be Dec. 5. […]


Kasim Reed won the Atlanta mayor's race by 714 votes, a recount of the Dec. 1 runoff results showed Wednesday.


Atlanta mayoral hopeful Mary Norwood has filed a request with the Fulton County Registrations and Elections office calling for a recount of the Dec.1 vote that presumably saw Kasim Reed elected mayor.


An elections board has certified Kasim Reed as the winner of the Atlanta mayoral runoff election by a margin of 620 votes, although Mary Norwood is expected to request a recount.


Kasim Reed maintained his close lead over Mary Norwood in the Atlanta mayor's race after a count of provisional ballots by Fulton County officials Thursday evening. Reed now leads Norwood by 0.84 percent or 715 votes out of the 84,383 ballots cast in the election.


As <strong>Kasim Reed</strong> began making plans Wednesday for his first term as <strong>Atlanta's mayor</strong>, opponent <strong>Mary Norwood</strong> still had not conceded defeat and asked for a <strong>recount</strong>.<!--more-->


<strong>Atlanta mayoral</strong> hopefuls <strong>Mary Norwood</strong> and <strong>Kasim Reed</strong> attacked each other's records Sunday night during their final <strong>debate</strong> before <strong>Tuesday's runoff election</strong>.<!--more-->