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Why did polling expert Dr. Sam Wang (wong) make a bet on the presidential election? He said on CNN if Trump got more than 240 electoral votes he would eat a bug For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Vet Gets Free Meal Taken Away At Chili’s Muslim Teacher Left […]

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Why did a woman in New Jersey eat a Popeye’s chicken and make a disturbing discovery? Why did she find what she claims to be a rat head in her meal For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Nude Man Breaks Into Home Bites Woman and Dies Unarmed Black Man […]

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Here’s a number for today.  71-17.  Why did a 71 year old grandmother meet a 17 year old young man from Tennessee at her son’s funeral?  Why did they get married three weeks later.  The grandmother… Uh, I’m sorry, the wife says, “I knew straight away he was the one!” He is three years younger […]


Why did a Pennsylvania woman get arrested for DUI crashes twice in the same day…. in the same car…..  the second wreck destroyed a shed and a pickup truck     For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below   Shots Fired Outside Funeral Of Gun Violence Victim Man Requests 6 […]


Why did police in New Hampshire…  go on Facebook to advertise that they had found someone’s summer horticulture project… and if the grower was upset and wanted to tell police about it they would love to hear from you….  They left a business card in the spot where they found your weed For more information […]