Midday Motivation

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. – Robert Collier Remember, every action you take towards your goal is contributing to your success, but the key is to be consistent, day in and day out. Whether you are trying to lose weight, build a business or anything in between, […]

Midday Motivation

It is okay to take a break. If you are feeling burnt out, REST! Don’t pressure yourself to always push through when you are overwhelmed. Remember, also everything works again when you unplug, then reconnect, including you!

Midday Motivation

Not all storms are bad, some are designed to clear your path. Things work out as they should and a “no” is not the end all. Instead of feeling defeated, consider the new path or lesson being presented to you. It is possible that you are being led to a better outcome. Remember, not all […]

Midday Motivation

“Don’t be distracted by doubters” – Anon Remember, people with small minds won’t see your vision and will try to convince you that your dreams are too big. Don’t be distracted by doubters. Be confident and know that you are able of achieving every goal you set for yourself!

Midday Motivation

“You only limit is you.” – Author Unknown Remember, accomplishing any goal begins with the belief that you CAN. At the root of achievement is CONFIDENCE. Be bold and pursue all of your dreams with confidence!

Maria More

“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” – M. Aurelius Remember, what you give your attention to grows. When you focus on positive things, your blessings, good things to come, those are the things/feelings you attract. The quality of your life begins with your mind. Do your best to focus […]

Maria More

“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your habits.” – Author Unknown Inspiration is wonderful, but only if it leads to action. Good habits are always more dependable than inspiration. Why? Because habit will sustain you even when you don’t “feel” like doing something. So, evaluate your goals and cling to […]

Maria More

Believing with no evidence is what faith is all about. Faith also requires the will and action to move TOWARDS your goal even if it “seems” unattainable.” Let your faith be bigger than your fears and never stop believing in yourself. It will produce a reward bigger than you can imagine!

Maria More

“When it rains, look for rainbows, when it is dark, look for stars.” – Author Unknown Your interpretation is often your reflection. Remember your perspective is everything. Even when times are bad, do your best to reflect on your blessings and see the good in every situation.

Maria More

“In order to conquer, you must first endure.” – M.T.Collins Successful people continue to move forward, despite the resistance. They make mistakes but they also don’t give up. Remember, success has a lot to do with holding on, through every circumstances, even when times get tough.

Maria More

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” – Tony Robbins Dwell on the things that make you feel good. Give your FULL attention to the outcome you want to attract. Magic happens when you feed your focus!

Maria More

The best views come after the hardest climb. Obstacles don’t block the road, they ARE the road. Every struggle is designed to strengthen you.