Check out today’s Dating Disaster and give your dating advice below!! If you have a Dating Disaster, and you want to share it! Make sure you e-mail your story to! Follow Dee Dee Parker on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER!

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Why is a man in Brunswick Ga saying he doesn’t know the winner of the presidential election.  And he doesn’t want to know. Funk Dat   He was invited to an election night party and decided the whole thing was too stressful For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Boy […]

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Why did the L.A. Lakers stay at a haunted hotel in Oklahoma City?  And Why did Metta World Peace say ghosts touched him inappropriately For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Baby Found In Closet Mother Injects Children With Sleep Juice Chinese Woman Sells Phones Buys House Metta World Peace […]

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Why did a company in Sweden create some handmade potato chips with a high price tag?  Why is the company selling the specially formulated chips in boxes of 5 chips for $56 dollars a box.  You heard me 5 chips for 56 bucks For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below […]

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Why did a pair of Chinese tourist go to a Japanese hotel and steal a toilet seat?  A travel agency contacted the Chinese tourists after their stay and asked about the missing seat. They sent the seat back with and apology and and explanation that they didn’t realize the toilet seat belonged to the hotel […]

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Why is there a man in … Florida… who has half a head and the nickname Halfy?  His head was affected when he had an accident while on drugs.  Why was he arrested for setting his own bed on fire For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Kills 8 […]

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Why were customers at a Walmart in … Florida… trying to get some water before Hurricane Matthew?   When a fight broke out over that last case of water For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Lets 12 Year Old Son Drive With Other Children In Car Man Accidentally […]

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Why did a Weather Channel personality say that Haiti’s deforestation is partially due to children eating the trees For information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below 7 Year Old Tells School I Couldn’t Wake (Dead) Adults 3 Year Old Dies In Mother’s Patrol Car Satanic Group Wants After School Program In Cobb […]

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Why was a man in Ohio arrested for trying to have relations with a van that was parked on the street? The man who was intoxicated and was swinging on a stop sign, was seen with his man part in the grill of the van For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]

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Why did a 30 year old man from … Florida.. break into a school and steal an employee’s car?  Then during his bond hearing he decided to twerk in court! For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Kills Children Hides Them Under Neighbor’s House Good Samaritan Has To Pay […]

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Why was a 41 woman from … Florida… arrested for pouring boiling hot chicken noodle soup on her 45 year old boyfriend while he was asleep? They had been arguing and now he is now in critical condition and she is being charged with attempted murder. For more information on the Funk Dats, click on […]

Why did a man in .. Florida… Steal his boss’s Jaguar while the boss was on vacation and drive it to buy some crack?  Then the stolen car was stolen from him For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Arrested For Feeding Salt To Baby State Rep Arrested For […]