Midday Motivation

Not all storms are bad, some are designed to clear your path. Things work out as they should and a “no” is not the end all. Instead of feeling defeated, consider the new path or lesson being presented to you. It is possible that you are being led to a better outcome. Remember, not all […]

Maria More

So, you WANT to lose weight but you just don’t “feel” like exercising or eating right. Sometimes mental/emotional barriers are harder to overcome than the actual exercise. If you are looking for fitness inspiration, click HERE for great ideas.

Maria More

Let’s admit, there are times when you just don’t feel like exercising are eating like you should. Sometimes staying motivated during your fitness journey is harder than running 5 miles. If you find yourself feeling uninspired, check out THESE TIPS on regaining your motivation to get fit!

Maria More

Sometimes staying motivated to lose weight is harder than diet and exercise…lol. If you find yourself struggling to see the silver lining, check out these tips on staying motivated to lose weight: Find a support group. There’s nothing like having the constant encouragement from people whose goals are aligned with yours. If you’re feeling lonely […]

Maria More

Sometimes staying motivated to workout is harder than diet and exercise. If you need a boost of inspiration, check out these tips to stay motivated!

Maria More

Diet and exercise are not always the hardest parts of losing weight. Sometimes people simply struggle with staying motivated. Staying focused can be challenging, this is why it is important to add motivational strategies to keep you going. From goal setting to having a work out partner, check out THESE 8 Diet Motivation Tips!

Maria More

“Never hope for it more than you work for it.” – Author Unknown Motivation is a great start but success requires hard work. Don’t just dream, DO! Action is what gives your dream wings. Never hope for it more than you work for it!

Maria More

Knowing and having a fitness goal is the first step to achieving it. However, if your goal is really big, it can be discouraging when you don’t make progress as fast as you’d like. This is why it is important to set short term fitness goals. The benefit of a short term goal is it […]

Maria More

If you’re on a weight loss journey, it can be easy to get obsessed with the number on the scale. I see so many people get discouraged when the scale ticks upwards, especially when they are following their fitness plan. However, the scale doesn’t always tell the full story when it comes to fitness progress. This […]

Maria More

“Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.” – Anon Remember, your expectations will attract problems or opportunities, it all depends on where you place your focus. Keep your mind on the positive and your life will produce the same.

This week’s wise word is resilient.  The focus is money.  If you are currently having money problems, do something about it.  I encourage you to find something that you love doing and figure out a way to generate money doing so.  The process will not be easy so that is why I challenge you to […]

Maria More

When it comes to weight loss, the desire to reach a goal is the easy part, staying motivated? That’s a different story. If you find yourself getting discouraged, here’s a few tips to keep you focused on your fitness goals: Take it one step (or one rep) at a time: Don’t get too far ahead […]