Maria More

As we all seek to fight for equality during these uncertain times, let’s take action by demanding justice for George Floyd. Signing the NAACP’s #WeAreDoneDying Petition is a great way to do so. The specifics of the petition: Demand immediate arrest of the remaining 3 officers involved in George Floyd’s murder. Demand appointment of an […]


Georgia NAACP chapter wants confederate monuments removed The debate over taking down Confederate memorials is heating up.  The violent demonstration in Charlottesville, VA is leading Georgia’s NAACP to ask Governor Deal to pull all symbols of the confederacy from state property in Georgia, starting with the Confederate monument in downtown Decatur and ending in Stone […]


Georgia’s NAACP President steps down Georgia NAACP President Francys Johnson has stepped down.  He made the announcement at the national NAACP convention in Boston this past weekend.  Meantime, Derrick Johnson will serve as interim President and CEO until the Georgia NAACP can elect a new President this October at the 75th State Convention in Augusta. […]


Civil rights leaders met with Attorney General Jeff Sessions to discuss their concerns about the DOJ's direction.


The NAACP calls for an economic boycott of North Carolina over legislation that it says discriminates against the LGBT community.


The NAACP slams Stamford, Connecticut officials. It calls for a full police investigation of the crime.

Check out some of her most inspiring quotes. The NAACP Image Awards airs February 11 on TVOne.


More than 1,300 law professors signed an open letter protesting Jeff Sessions' nomination. They voice concerns about his record.


Former NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal is no longer participating in a panel on racial identity at The Martin Luther King Jr. Dreamfest in Cary, North Carolina in January, said town officials Wednesday after the decision caused a negative response from community members.


NAACP and other activists are holding a march and rally the day after Trump’s inauguration to support women’s rights.

News One Exclusives

Voter protection is a major concern in this election and the NAACP is taking action with their "Selma Initiative."

Election 2016

The North Carolina chapter of the NAACP has sued the state and three county elections boards Monday over an alleged voter purge that disproportionately affects African Americans.