Maria More

If you’re looking for a last minute fix to get your belly flat for those Summer vacation photos, here are 3 things that can get you well on your way! Eat smaller meals more frequently. Smaller meals gives your digestive system more time to process foods you eat and can help reduce bloating. Reduce your […]

Maria More

MOST of us have been there. At one moment, you’re doing great and super focused on your fitness goals, then the next moment, you’re eating cheesecake and downing a bunch of soda. When you fall off track, the important thing is to GET UP! Here are 5 things you can do to regain control of […]

Maria More

While multivitamins are a great way to ensure you get all your daily nutrients, there are also ways to get the same vitamins from what you eat. Getting your vitamins from foods is also a great way to develop healthy habits that will benefit you in the long run. Click HERE to read the specific […]

Body & Soul

According to CDC, vitamins are defined as “any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth, development and nutrition and are…