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Why is there a video of a pole dancer in California who is working the pole like it’s no big deal.  By the way she is 8 months pregnant For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below 8 Months Pregnant Pole Dancing Teacher Uses Sexting In Math Lesson Mechanic Works On […]

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Why is Domino’s pizza in Japan trying out a new delivery method?  Why are they trying out reindeer with warmers on their backs to deliver your pizza For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Make America Great Again Ornaments Army Vet From Chili’s Moves After Death Threats Whole Barber Shop […]

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Why has a man from … Florida… earned the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of its kind.  Why did the man amass 1277 pieces of fossilized poop?  The largest piece in his collection is a little over 4 pounds.  That piece nicknamed “Precious” is millions of years old and was made by a […]

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Why did a woman in California live in a Tiny home and get shocked?  Why did she go out to walk her dog and came back to find that someone had driven off with her home?  The crib was 13 feet tall, 33 feet long and 8 feet wide For more information on the Funk […]

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Why did a barista and bartender in a restaurant in New Zealand quit his job to become a hunter.  The 24 year old man is a full time Pokemon hunter.  He is planning to take a two month trip around New Zealand to catch all the creatures in the game For more information on the […]

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Why did a black dishwasher who works at Yale lose his job after he lost his cool and took a broomstick and knocked a slavery painting off of the wall? The image of slaves carrying bales of cotton on their heads was in the dining hall. The man now faces a felony charge Yale Dishwasher […]

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So, you’ve been on your best behavior all week, sticking to your meal plan and even seeing some weight loss progress. However, you’re ready to indulge and have that slice of pizza you’ve been craving all week. Well, if you’re smart, you can have a cheat meal without ruining your fitness progress. HERE are 16 […]

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Why did a 70 something year old lady in India give birth to her first child… She and her 79 year old husband used in-vitro fertiliaztion… Doctors and relatives told the couple that the 14 thousand plus dollars needed to do the treatment would be better spent adopting a needy child.  Believe it or not […]


In our… Robots keep taking jobs department…. Why did Dominos in New Zealand announce plans to introduce a pizza  deliver robot…..  He will have separate compartments to keep pizza hot and drinks cold… and of course he’ll have sensors to avoid obstacles For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mom […]


Why did a 3 year old Toddler get sentenced to life in prison in Egypt….. he is being charged with killing 3 people and sabotaging public property….   He was supposed to be arrested in 2014 when he was 16 months old….  so his father was arrested instead and released 4 months later….  It turns […]


Why did diners in Japan sit down to a raw fish dinner…. when the half eaten fish came back to life…  his fin started to shake….  then he jumped off the plate….. It was caught on cell phone video… Funk Dat    At least you know the part you ate was fresh…. Listen to Funk […]


Ingredients  4 Layer Pizza Dip 8 ounces cream cheese (room temperature) 1/2 cup sour cream 8 ounces finely shredded Italian cheese blend (divided) 14.5 ounce…