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Why did police in Tybee Island near Savannah find a voo-doo doll outside the police station?  The doll had been beheaded!   They will be reviewing surveillance camera footage to find the culprit For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below She Left Him Downtown, He Came Home, She Stabbed Him Woman […]


​​ The city of Baltimore just got a little brighter after a photo of a teen praying over a homeless man went viral. Eric Gaines, a University of Maryland police officer, captured the moment last Tuesday while patrolling. After posting the image on Facebook, thousands praised the young man for the sweet gesture. Speaking to […]

Atlanta, Maria More

Being healthy is not just about what we see on the outside. It also involves having a strong mind. As a matter of fact, your mental health has a huge impact on reaching fitness goals. It is important to value yourself and it starts with the way you think. Here are things you can do […]


Free from fear of political backlash from the Republican Party, President Barack Obama appears to be opening up more and more on what were once considered to be political taboo for him. On Thursday during a wide-ranging talk at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C., he pointed out how the […]

Body & Soul

Easter means many things. It is a reminder of the depths of God’s love. It is a reminder of what humanity means. It is a…

Elev8 Health

Happiness is often misinterpreted as something that depends of material things. That is not true happiness but only worldly rewards. That is a child’s interpretation

Elev8 Health

The dictionary definition of Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

Elev8 Health

Hope is the one thing that makes us keep going as humans.