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We told you about a Michigan man who got a ticket for letting his car warm up because of the threat of a theft.  Why did a 20 year old man in Oregon try to steal a car that was warming up, but he didn’t know how to drive the car’s manual transmission For more […]


Why did a woman in … Florida… try to get a delivery…. she called saying that she wasn’t able to drive… she would laugh and cry hysterically while she asked for chicken wings and cigarettes…. Oh the number she called for the delivery…. was 911 For more on the Funk Dats, click each link below […]


Why is there a Chemical engineer who has not taken a shower since around 2003… he sprays himself with amonia oxidizing bacteria to keep himself smelling fresh….  he got the idea from seeing a horse rolling in dir For more information on the Funk Dats, click each link below Man Has NOT Taken Shower In […]


Why is the young lady who won the biggest lottery jackpot in North Carolina history wasting millions on her fiance’s drug charges….  the man , known as Hot Sauce…. was put back in jail for the third time in a year on Monday She has already spent 9 million on bail from the first 2 […]