
The victim's mother says that her family has been receiving threats for coming forward and they are afraid to return to home.


Attorney General of California Kamala Harris, who became the second Black woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate, and former Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown are among leaders scheduled to serve in Congress in 2017.


The millionaire New York Knicks guard, who was acquitted on sexual assault charges in October, wants the alleged victim to pay his court costs.


Rose believes that the rape accusations caused indelible harm to his image.


Plus, petition launched to get Clarence Thomas included into the National Museum of African-American History and thousands of Seattle teachers wear Black Lives Matter t-shirts.

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Why did a pair of Chinese tourist go to a Japanese hotel and steal a toilet seat?  A travel agency contacted the Chinese tourists after their stay and asked about the missing seat. They sent the seat back with and apology and and explanation that they didn’t realize the toilet seat belonged to the hotel […]

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Why did a woman in California post a picture of her niece?   The woman was babysitting the niece who was asleep while standing on her head… She tweeted do I call the mother of the exorcist For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Woman Raped Then Ransomed For Falcon’s […]

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Like many of us, actress Vivica A. Foxx isn't here for Donald Trump or his blatantly ignorant comments about women and Hillary Clinton.

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The people who didn't go support The Birth of A Nation because of Nate Parker's past are the same ones who want an insincere apology from Nate, rather than the real remorse and regret he feels.

Entertainment News

Parker said, "All I know is the film exists. You can kill the messenger, you can come for me, it’s alright."

One follower attacked Trigga, saying that he was "dense" for downplaying Parker's acquittal.


Plus, Nigerian president apologizes for plagiarizing President Obama's past speech and six Rikers prison guards given prison time for beating an inmate.