Maria More

From having a nutrient dense breakfast to removing caffeine, there are a number of ways to eat for a food night’s sleep. Read more HERE.

Maria More

There’s no doubt that sleep is a huge part of having a successful journey. When you exercise, your body needs time to heel, this takes place when you rest. Unfortunately, when insomnia strikes, it’s hard to get a full night’s rest. If you find yourself having trouble catching Zzzz’s, check out THESE TIPS to sleep […]

Maria More

While exercise and nutrition play an important role when it comes to weight loss, proper rest is JUST as important. After aggressive exercise, your body needs time to heal and it is also important to get a good night’s rest to avoid hunger cravings throughout the day. Check out more reasons why sleep is important […]

Maria More

Feeling tired and exhausted? There could be several reasons why you’re low on energy including limited sleep, poor nutrition or even underlying health issues. However, if you’re relatively healthy, there are many simple things you can do to boost your energy. Read more HERE

Maria More

Here are 3 healthy habits to help you lose weight along with their benefits: Drink 16 ounces of water before each meal. Not only does water keep you hydrated, it makes you “feel full” and can prevent you from overeating a meal (or reaching for dessert afterwards). Rest. Multiple studies have shown that people who […]

Maria More

Not only is proper diet and exercise important for weight loss, so is SLEEP. If you’re up late at night, tossing and turning, it could have a negative impact on your fitness goals. Lack of sleep can trigger hunger hormones (even when you’re full), slow metabolism, and even INCREASE fat storage. Click HERE to read […]

Maria More

cThe foundation of every action begins with a thought, therefore, having a strong mind is key to developing a strong body. Here are three tips to boost your mental health. Sleep well. Lack of sleep can cause stress and moodiness, adversely effecting your interactions with others and possibly trigger emotional eating. Most people need about […]

Are you tired of not having enough sleep? Well I have 6 tips on how you can get a better night's sleep.