Entertainment News

Fresh off of her Olympic gold medal-winning performance at the 2016 Rio Games, Gabby Douglas is going full-speed ahead with her next gig and this one should be full of fun. It was just confirmed that Douglas along with singer Ciara, have both been added to the judges table at the upcoming Miss American pageant. […]


The Flint, Michigan native is one of the greatest female boxers we've ever seen.

Entertainment News

Racial tensions are running at an all-time high right now with everything that is going on in the country, which means that hyper-sensitivity is also more prevalent than it has been in recent memory. When you add those two together you have to be very careful what you say, post and in this case tweet, […]

Entertainment News

The start of the 2016 Rio Olympics is just a week away and one of the most anticipated events is the gymnastics competition, where all eyes will be on powerhouse gymnast Simone Biles. Her talent and skill level is almost otherworldly and certainly earned her the coveted spot on the Olympic gymnastics team. Now she […]