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Why did a man in Michigan get a ticket for leaving his car running in his own driveway?  He started his car t let it warm and 7 or 8 minutes later he noticed a ticket for $128. His citation was for leaving a motor vehicle unattended For more information on the Funk Dats, click […]

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Why is Amazon selling leggings for young girls that feature greenery?  Why do the leggings FOR KIDS have marijuana leaves?  By the way, They are made in China For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below There’s An App For Fighting Traffic Tickets Children’s Leggings Show Marijuana Leaves 2016 Nativity Scene […]

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Why did an 86 year old woman in England get some money out of the ATM?  She was approached by another woman wanting the money she has just gotten.  The elderly lady grabbed a package of bacon and repeatedly hit the other woman in the head until she ran off For more information on the […]

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Why did a woman in … Florida…  get accused of attacking a man with a hatchet because he didn’t want to have relations with her?  The 26 year old woman had been drinking and repeatedly tried to get the man to co-operate while she was wearing a bathrobe.  And when he refused and locked himself […]

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Why is there a business outside of Chicago called Tykables that sells adult baby diapers?  The store has a display of a nursery, including a huge baby bed and a 6 foot rocking horse.  It primarilary sells diapers for adults with incontinence issues and those with fettishes For more information on the Funk Dats, click […]

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Why did a mother of two say that her hobby is having plastic surgery done on herself.  She says she wants to look like a cartoon character For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below $5 Shoplifting Mentally Ill Man Died In Jail  Texas Woman Raped By Police Offered Taco Mother […]


Why did an Easter Egg Hunt in Connecticut get out of control….  Why did the PEZ candy company do the event…. open to the public…  in a field with 9000 Easter Eggs…. sectioned off for different age groups…. when the field was rushed by parents…. some children got trampled and were crying For more information […]


Why did a Scottish man who has been fitted with a bionic man part… No longer a virgin…   An escort reached out to the man who’s appendage was severed when he was a child…. he had his part rebuilt and she wanted to be his first…   now at the age of 44 he […]


Why is it now OFFICIAL….  Why did the health minister of Sweden tell a man who was complaining about his neighbors having relations…. too loudly….  that their loud love making… was healthy for them…. the man was asking the minister to ban loud risque activities after 10 pm For more information on the Funk Dats, […]


Why did a woman in New York get told by the driver of city bus to stop smoking and get off the bus…. She was paranoid… saying they’re coming after me.. They’re gonna shoot me…   The driver called dispatch and asked for another bus as he stopped and let the passengers off to continue their trips…. […]


Why is it illegal in Arizona to have a potluck outside of work… A few years ago the state legislature passed a law to regulate food to safety regulations…. but exempted noncommercial social events at work.  They did not exempt schools, churches and homes….   So if you have a homecoming event at church where everybody […]


Why has Netflix come up with some socks that will pause your show when you fall asleep…. The Netflix socks will read your body to understand when you knock out and will stop your show so you can easily pick up where you nodded off For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]