Yesterday, about 50% of registered voters made their voices heard for the fifth time in 18 months. And now, those same voters will have to head back to the polls due to no single candidate reaching the 50% plus one vote threshold on November 30th. Today, one of the candidates that qualified for the runoff […]


    6th Congressional District Runoff We’ve got two weeks to go until the high profile 6th Congressional district runoff race.  The polls have Republican Karen Handel and Democrat Jon Ossoff in a dead heat.  This race is getting ugly, the latest attacks are over debates.  Karen Handel is jabbing Ossoff for refusing to participate […]


Atlanta mayoral hopeful Mary Norwood has filed a request with the Fulton County Registrations and Elections office calling for a recount of the Dec.1 vote that presumably saw Kasim Reed elected mayor.


An elections board has certified Kasim Reed as the winner of the Atlanta mayoral runoff election by a margin of 620 votes, although Mary Norwood is expected to request a recount.


Kasim Reed maintained his close lead over Mary Norwood in the Atlanta mayor's race after a count of provisional ballots by Fulton County officials Thursday evening. Reed now leads Norwood by 0.84 percent or 715 votes out of the 84,383 ballots cast in the election.


As <strong>Kasim Reed</strong> began making plans Wednesday for his first term as <strong>Atlanta's mayor</strong>, opponent <strong>Mary Norwood</strong> still had not conceded defeat and asked for a <strong>recount</strong>.<!--more-->


<strong>Atlanta mayoral</strong> hopefuls <strong>Mary Norwood</strong> and <strong>Kasim Reed</strong> attacked each other's records Sunday night during their final <strong>debate</strong> before <strong>Tuesday's runoff election</strong>.<!--more-->


<strong>Atlanta mayoral candidates Mary Norwood</strong> and <strong>Kasim Reed</strong> dueled Sunday over <strong>endorsements, water meter lids, property taxes</strong> and whether or not to extend the city's <strong>nightclub and bar hours</strong>. The two will face each other in a <strong>runoff</strong> on <strong>December 1</strong>.<!--more-->


<strong>Early voting</strong> for the <strong>December 1st</strong> runoff elections began today for <strong>Fulton</strong> and <strong>DeKalb</strong> counties. The <strong>mayoral races</strong> of <strong>Atlanta, East point, Roswell, Clarkston</strong> and <strong>Stone Mountain</strong> will be decided.<!--more-->


<strong>Atlanta City Council President Lisa Borders</strong> endorsed <strong>Kasim Reed</strong> for mayor Wednesday, saying he was the best candidate to improve the city's finances. Reed, a former state lawmaker, is in a <strong>Dec. 1 runoff</strong> with <strong>Councilwoman Mary Norwood</strong>.<!--more-->


Atlanta has one more month and one more election to go before it chooses the <strong>city's next mayor</strong>: <strong>Councilwoman Mary Norwood</strong> and <strong>former state Sen. Kasim Reed</strong> will face each other in a <strong>runoff Dec. 1</strong>.<!--more-->