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Why is a teacher in Oregon under fire for sending home a survey?  Why did the teacher, who is white, want to start a discussion with the homework assignment called “White Privilege Survey”…. Why is at least one parent upset saying he would like to see his son learning actual education and not be a […]

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Why did a woman from Philadelphia get hit in the head by a falling catfish?  I’m gonna say that again slowly…   A catfish fell from the sky and hit a woman in the head.  Apparently a bird had the fish and dropped it on the lady. She got a small cut on her face, […]

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Why did a man from … Florida… try to steal a baby python by stuffing it in his pants… the store employees stopped him at the store.. and zip tied him until police arrived…  they had seen the same man stealing snakes before from store security footage…. he has reportedly stolen a thousand dollars in […]