Maria More

From personal experience, I know the negative effects of having too much salt and sugar in your diet. Both salt and sugar absorb extra water causing you to retain water weight and appear bloated. Although sugar and salt don’t have to be completely omitted from your diet in order to lose weight, you should still do […]

Maria More

If you wake up the next morning after a big cheat meal and look like you’re 5 months pregnant, more than likely you’re experiencing water retention from the extra sodium and carbs that are in most cheat meals. Before you start to worry, be encouraged that getting rid of the extra water weight will have you […]

I remember looking up the nutrition information to one of my favorite “health conscious” restaurants and was mortified to see all of the saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium my favorite “veggie” burger contained. After realizing that eating there would do more harm than good, I decided to start cooking my own meals more. Many of us […]

So, you’ve been on your weight loss journey for a couple of days and you step on the scale in the morning, only to find out you’ve GAINED 3 pounds? Immediately you’re perplexed because you’ve been doing all the “right”things. Or have you? Sometimes weight gain has nothing to do with “overeating” but more so […]