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Why did a British woman go into labor and go on the pole?  In between contractions she performed on the pole in her bedroom before she went to the hospital to give birth For more information on the funk Dats, click on each link below Woman Killed Son Injured Police Shootout Heat Causes Horse Poop […]

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Why do I have a video Camera that streams video from my house to my phone… now there is a company that has a mattress that sends notifications to your phone when your mattress is being used…. the Smarttress has a Lover Detection System…   It was developed in Spain where there is a high […]


Why have many of us been here…. why did a man in … Florida…. get pulled over for going 75 in a 55 mile per hour zone….    the man said he was rushing home to use the bathroom…. the officer said he smelled unburned marijuana in the car…. he was told to get out […]


Why are two residents  in Florida getting weed for glaucoma and bone tumor disorders…  their supplier is the federal government….  They are enrolled in a federal program that has been in existence since 1978.  President George W. Bush stopped enrollment in 1992   For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below […]