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Why did a 68 year old Step Father in …,. Florida get into an argument with his 55 year old step son over a chili dog?  Why did the step father shoot the stepson in the face? For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Step Father Kills Step Son Over […]

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Why has NBA great Shaquille O’Neal been deputized in Clayton County?  Shaq had been deputized before in Florida but now has a badge from Sheriff Victor Hill! For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Deputy Shaq Brooklyn Officer Harassed By Bigot Amazon Store No Cash Register Thief Locked Inside Stolen […]

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Why did a woman find an artist on Tumbler who was willing to make a unique piece of art for her?  Why did the woman send her amputated toe to the artist to make a pendant For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Man Steals Gold From Armored Truck High […]

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Why did a woman in California live in a Tiny home and get shocked?  Why did she go out to walk her dog and came back to find that someone had driven off with her home?  The crib was 13 feet tall, 33 feet long and 8 feet wide For more information on the Funk […]

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Why was a man in Washington State mad because he was kicked off the bus  for an odor?  The man was banned for 6 months because he wreaked of marijuana.  He got at least 4 warnings that his odor was a violation of acceptable passenger protocol.  He stunk so bad one time that the driver choked For more […]

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Why was a mom in New York such a brutal horder that she lived with the remains of her dead son?  The legally blind woman’s sister in law was packing a bag to take to the hospital for the woman… whose house was packed with garbage.  She went to a second floor bedroom and found […]

Why did a man in .. Florida… Steal his boss’s Jaguar while the boss was on vacation and drive it to buy some crack?  Then the stolen car was stolen from him For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Arrested For Feeding Salt To Baby State Rep Arrested For […]

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Why did a man in … Florida…., who is known as the Gator Crusader, do an interesting feat as part of a show?  Why did the man get an alligator to open his mouth and let the man brush his teeth For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Stolen Forklift […]

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Why did a Pokemon Go player in Michigan that was wanted by the police show up at the police station to catch a Pokemon.  The man was riding a bike in his pajamas and was wanted for an outstanding arrest warrant for breaking and entering and failure to appear in court.  He was arrested on […]

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Why did a man in Nashville gt caught in bed with a stolen lingerie mannequin?  An employee of a store argued with the man who tossed the mannequin in his truck.  Her arm blew off but the suspect didn’t retrieve it.  The mannequin was said to be worth $5000 and the man was charged with […]

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Why did a 66 year old woman in Memphis argue with a person at the Social Security Administration office saying she didn’t get her check because she was dead?  The lady from the office said “Ma’am you’re dead! ”  The Memphis woman replied “The Hell I Am, I’m alive!!!” For more information on the Funk […]

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Why did a man in Paris sue his former employer claiming that after he lost a contract for the company, they stripped his responsibilities caused him to get bored and depressed over a 4 year period…. He is suing for $170 thousand dollars in damages For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]