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Why was the husband of an manager for a Sonic restaurant named Ronald McDonald?  Why did he get shot during an argument at a Sonic in North Carolina?  His wounds are not thought to be life threatening.  You might have been safer at a McDonald’s… Ronald For more information on the Funk Dats, click on […]


Why is there a video from China of a fish taken out of a freezer… and put in warm water with another fish that is swimming around….  after about a minute the frozen fish joins the other fish…. swimming in the warm water For more information on the Funk Dats, click each below Chicago 47% […]


There are a lot of dads who don’t like their daughter’s boyfriend’….  but why did a 5th grade teacher in Alabama shoot an 18 year old in the chest for dating his daughter… the daughter’s age was not released…  the victim turned 18 on the day of his shooting       For more information […]

Entertainment News

Marist College and NBC News have released a poll that reveals a majority of White people (52 percent) believe that local police forces treat White…

Entertainment News

The Wonkblog over at the Washington Post has a pretty interesting write-up of new research from the Public Religion Research Institute. In a study of race and friendship, PRRI found that…

Body & Soul

New research suggests that too much TV time might shorten your life. But not necessarily for the reason you might think. The study of more…

Entertainment News

Unemployed Blacks More Resilient During Job Search than Whites The so-called recovery of the US economy has not been equally kind to everyone. Even as the unemployment…

Body & Soul

First the bad news: The percentage of Americans with diabetes has doubled since 1988, with nearly one in 10 adults now diagnosed with the blood-sugar…

  During the early throes of relationships, everything is great, including the sex. Couples who then decide to get married often believe they will lead…

Entertainment News

Allure magazine polled 2,000 men and women from across the country to find out “what’s beautiful now.” Read some of their findings below regarding confidence, fitness, age and weight! African-American Women Have Killer Confidence African-American women were three times as likely as Caucasian women to rate themselves at the hot end of the spectrum. Women […]

Entertainment News

A new report released by the Census Bureau revealed some good news: women are taking longer to marry which, in turn, may also be the reason not as many are divorcing. The report was based on a 2009 survey of 55,000 adults and highlighted shifting patterns of marriage and divorce since the 1940s. Here are […]

Entertainment News

Are children color blind in America? CNN has come to the conclusion that a large percentage of them are! CNN ran a pilot last night called "Black or White: Kids On Race" where they evaluated both white and black children on how they reacted to a color chart of cartoon kids.