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Superbowl 50 happens February 7, 2016 between the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos.  My only question is WHO YOU GOT?


  For more information on the Funk Dats, click below Athens Woman Weilds Machete Infant Bitten 27 Times At Daycare Black Women Book Club File Suit Against Napa Valley Wine Train TNT Scare Causes Denver Airport Evacuation Man Seen Stealing With Superman Shirt Caught Still Wearing It Spider Living In Woman’s Ear  

Entertainment News

For the sequel to “Man Of Steele” director Zack Snyder has made the controversial decision to cast nerd de jour Jesse Eisenberg (“Zombieland,” “Adventureland,” “Rio”)…

Entertainment News

Looks like Warner Bros. is about to steal Marvel’s thunder at  San Diego Comic-Con this weekend.  The L.A. Times is reporting that the follow up…

Entertainment News

It’s always interesting when recently retired players become sports commentators. With memories of the court or field still fresh in their heads, they haven’t quite developed the level of objectivity of some of their peers. Since retiring from the NBA Shaquille O’Neal has become an analyst for TNT.  When recently asked to name the best […]

Entertainment News

(via Entertainment Weekly) Diversity has come to Metropolis!  In a surprising but exceptional act of color blind casting, actor Laurence Fishburne has been tapped to play The Daily Planet’s editor-in-chief Perry White in the upcoming Superman reboot Man of Steel. Fishburne’s character  will  crack the whip when it comes his two star reporters, Lois Lane and […]