Maria More

From reducing your appetite to increasing your body’s fat burning potential, there are a number of supplements that can help speed up your weight loss. Read more HERE. NOTE: Before taking any supplements, you should consult with your doctor first.

Maria More

CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid. CLA has been proven through numerous scientific studies to reduce fat and boost metabolism, especially when combined with a healthy diet and exercise program. Personally, I try to take CLA with every meal and have definitely noticed improvements in my physique. Click HERE to learn more about CLA and how it […]

Maria More

Sometimes the food we eat doesn’t supply all of the nutrients our body needs. If you are living an active lifestyle or unable to get your food groups in during the day, here are 5 supplements that can help you meet an deficiencies, and assist with improving your overall health: Multi-vitamin Fish Oil Green Tea […]

Entertainment News

After, “How can I lose 10 lbs in 3 days…,” the number one question I am asked as a personal trainer is, “What supplements should…