Holiday Guide

It’s that time of the year again. All of the real housewives are sharpening their knives, ironing extra linens for their guest bedrooms and putting together their holiday menus. You, however, are the Anti-Housewife. You are preparing for Thanksgiving by thanking God that you survived another year of botched meals without burning down your poor […]

Beyonce is full of surprises these days and she her latest impromptu move took place at a Walmart store in Tewksbury, Mass. yesterday. According to…

Holiday Guide

Whether you’re a chronic procrastinator or just like to torture yourself, last minute shopping is a way of life. Fighting crowds to get the toy…

Holiday Guide

I’m not sure why I even torture myself with last minute gift shopping for the holidays. Every December, I wait until Christmas Eve and I…

Holiday Guide

It’s crunch time and the stores are all putting in their last minute efforts to get you and your wallet in the store before the big day. Hopefully you’re nearly done shopping and you’ve checked everyone off your list. If you are a procrastinator (don’t worry so I am) here’s a heads up on the […]

Holiday Guide

It’s crunch time and the stores are all putting in their last minute efforts to get you and your wallet in the store before the…

Holiday Guide

No matter what is going on in my life, the holiday seasons always get me excited. Remembering my mother’s homemade apple pies, burning baking chocolate chip cookies and, oh my goodness, helping my mother wrap presents but secretly sneaking to see what I’ve gotten too. Christmas is the time of year were you bound with […]

Holiday Guide

No matter what is going on in my life, the holiday seasons always get me excited. Remembering my mother’s homemade apple pies, burning baking chocolate…

Holiday Guide

Do you remember you first Christmas toy? I mean, I know I’m not the only one who unwrapped and then rewrapped gifts on Christmas Eve.…

Holiday Guide

Do you remember you first Christmas toy? I mean, I know I’m not the only one who unwrapped and then rewrapped gifts on Christmas Eve. #TeamBeautiful caught up with singer-songwriter, Leela James and she dished on her favorite toys from back in the day. I was not surprised to learn that she was also fascinated […]

Holiday Guide

Do you remember you first Christmas toy? I mean, I know I’m not the only one who unwrapped and then rewrapped gifts on Christmas Eve.…

Holiday Guide

If you’re lucky, you’ve got in-laws who love your every move and are happy with anything you do. Some of us aren’t riding in that…