
The Oakland City Council passed the Equity Permit Program; an initiative designed to offer reparations to those affected by the Drug War.

News & Gossip

Rapper and businessman Jay Z blasted the War on Drugs in a blistering op-ed short film for The New York Times.

Capping off a week of events and political actions to tackle prison reform, President Obama on Thursday became the first sitting president to visit a…

Following his plan to rectify the “war on drugs” that jailed thousands and destroyed communities, President Obama is expected to commute the sentences of dozens…

News One Exclusives

A new report from MetricMaps details a shocking statistic — in 16 states in the nation, there are more people locked up in correctional facilities than those…

Entertainment News

On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder (pictured) announced his “Smart on Crime” initiative, calling for major changes to drug sentencing, the release of elderly prisoners,…

Entertainment News

Being a college student at the time, I clearly remember when Nancy Reagan and the conservative wave in national government helped usher in the nation’s…