Maria's Fit Tip

There’s no doubt that whatever your fitness goal is, water intake is crucial. For some, chugging down a gallon of water is easy, for others, the task can be daunting. If you find yourself struggle to meet your daily water intake goals, click HERE for creative ways to get it done!

Maria More

From having a nutrient dense breakfast to removing caffeine, there are a number of ways to eat for a food night’s sleep. Read more HERE.

Maria More

Water is vital for survival and also important for a healthy lifestyle. But just how much water should YOU be drinking? Believe it or not, there’s not “one size fits all” number. Click HERE to learn more about calculating YOUR water needs.

Maria More

If you’re the type who doesn’t like to drink water, why not EAT it? Yes! There are a wide variety of foods that are high in water content to help keep you hydrated without having to sip all day. Read more HERE.

Maria More

If you’re the type who dreads sipping on H2O, but understand the importance of water for weight loss and overall health, check out THIS LIST of food that are high in water content. That’s right, you can EAT your water.

Maria More

Water has so many AMAZING health benefits! It helps flush toxins out of your body, keeps you hydrated from the inside out, suppresses your appetite and it even helps you LOSE WEIGHT! Yup! Click HERE to read more on the amazing benefits of water and how important it is for your fitness journey.

Maria More

Many of us know that drinking more water is important for weight loss but for many people, it is such a chore. If you’re struggling to hit your water goals, check out THESE TIPS to make the process a little easier.

Maria More

Not only is water essential for life, it also plays an important role in helping you lose weight. Some of the benefits of water include: – Water provides a metabolic boost. – Water cleanses your body of waste. – Water acts as an appetite suppressant, helping you feel fuller longer and preventing you from overeating. […]

Maria More

Our bodies are made up of 75% water, so it’s pretty obvious that drinking water is essential for life. Water has many benefits, especially when it comes to losing weight. From helping flush out toxins to improving the appearance of your skin, check out this list of ways drinking water can enhance your fitness goals.


Boil water advisory Much of Atlanta and areas south of Atlanta are under a boil water advisory until noon today ( July 7, 2017).  There was a power outage at the Hemphill Water Treatment Plant crews fixed the problem quickly but the water must be tested before it’s considered safe.  Areas affected include Cabbagetown, Edgewood, […]

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Why is this right out of a Denzel Washington movie?  Why was a pilot of a flight from Canada to Mexico found slumped over in the cockpit of the plane before the flight? HE WAS DRUNK! His blood alcohol level was 3 times the legal limit Dude Ranch Chef Told To Cook Black People Food […]

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Why did polling expert Dr. Sam Wang (wong) make a bet on the presidential election? He said on CNN if Trump got more than 240 electoral votes he would eat a bug For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Vet Gets Free Meal Taken Away At Chili’s Muslim Teacher Left […]