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Why did a college student have a protest with a Huge black vibrator in her hand and say She was upset that those were not allowed on campus but guns are allowed.  She pointed out that sexual assault cases have increased with the presence of guns on campus For more information on the Funk Dats, […]


Why is the young lady who won the biggest lottery jackpot in North Carolina history wasting millions on her fiance’s drug charges….  the man , known as Hot Sauce…. was put back in jail for the third time in a year on Monday She has already spent 9 million on bail from the first 2 […]


Why did a man in Oregon order a teriyaki chicken sandwich from Subway and find a surprise…. the man turned and got his drink and the employees appeared shocked…  There was a dead mouse in the sandwich….  he was apparently in the container used for storing the spinach…. Funk Dat   Chicken Teriyaki…. not chicken, […]