Maria More

Turn your wounds into wisdom. ~Oprah Winfrey Remember, the longer you dwell on the negative, the longer you remain in a dark space. Throughout life, there will be moments you get knocked down, but the important thing is to not stay down. Let every experience strengthen you to become a stronger person.

Maria More

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” ~African Proverb Remember, every struggle is designed to strengthen you. Don’t get discouraged when you’re faced with tough times. Adversity is designed to make you stronger.

Maria More

“Turn your wounds to wisdom.” – Oprah Winfrey Bad things happen but they don’t have to ruin your life. Remember, success has less to do with how you fall and more about how you get up. Never allow life’s challenges to turn you bitter. Instead, turn your wounds into wisdom so that you can do […]


Why did a student on a football team in Arizona get suspended…..   After scoring a touchdown the young man put his hand to his mask and pointed to the sky for a few seconds….  to praise GOD…..   A Referee threw a flag, penalized him with unsportsmanlike conduct for excessive celebration….  the refs said […]

Every path has a puddle. ~George Herbert Success is not just about reaching your destination; it’s also about overcoming the challenges along the way. Remember, the adversity you experience in life is not designed to hurt you; it’s designed to make you stronger! To be successful, you have to learn how to transform your wounds […]

Atlanta, Maria More

Patience is the companion of wisdom. ~St. Augustine Sometimes progress requires patience.Remember, rushing can ruin a good thing. So instead of trying to force a situation, try practicing patience. Not only will it ease your anxiety, you’ll gain knowledge in the process.