
Among the thousands were Angela Davis, Alicia Keys, the Mothers of the Movement, and more — who all provided priceless moments to remember.


NAACP and other activists are holding a march and rally the day after Trump’s inauguration to support women’s rights.

So Beautiful

Socioeconomic status can make a period quite embarrassing for a woman who can't afford the products. Furthermore, many women believe we shouldn't have to be economically punished by paying to take care of something that comes naturally.

The Washington Post fact checks the GOP presidential candidate's claim about Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood's founder.

Clearing up comments he made, presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he "misspoke" when he suggested women's health was overfunded.

Senate Democratic leaders on Monday blocked a procedural vote that would have cut funding for Planned Parenthood, according to The Huffington Post. Republican leaders needed…

Entertainment News

Following the unveiling of legislation that may defund Planned Parenthood, democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Wednesday the move is “an attack…

Entertainment News

As testament to the success of the GOP-debated, Supreme Court upheld Affordable Care Act, an analysis published Tuesday reveals that women have saved $1.4 billion…

Many of the schoolgirls who escaped the wrath of Boko Haram are now facing backlash within their own communities, CNN reports. Nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by…

The Georgia woman who terminated her five-month-long pregnancy by taking an abortion pill she purchased online had the murder charges against her dropped, The Washington…

Taraji P. Henson finally graced the famed stage of Saturday Night Live on April 11. Or, as she felt to commemorate the moment as: “proves…